Tuesday, October 27, 2009

The Best Things in Life are Free

When I started this blog my son said, "Don't be like all those bloggers out there who don't write for a year between posts." Look what has happened to my blog. It has been almost a year and I haven't written. It is time to change the way I do things, so here I am writing.
Did you notice the title of this post? 
I am thinking a lot about friends these days as I am planning a few days away with my quilting friends. The week seems to be going by too slowly as I await my retreat.
Maybe friendships do cost--time, etc., but the return on time spent with friends is always many times more than that invested.
I know that the friends I will be spending the weekend with are of the type that if I were in need I could call them anytime, day or night, and they would come to my rescue. To have friends like that is an extraordinary gift.
So, if you are reading this I would ask you to take a moment and think about those people in your life who are true blue friends and be grateful.

Until next time, (hopefully not a year from now)