Saturday, December 5, 2009

It is the darkest month of the year and yet today is bright and cheery. The sun is shining on the dusting of snow that fell last night. The Christmas decorations are up, Christmas music is playing on the radio, we did a little shopping this morning, and I wrapped gifts last night. All these things make me feel cheery.
I truly feel blessed to celebrate our Savior's birth during this month, the darkest of the year. I guess it is because I am one of those who adore the Christmas stuff. I love the sparkly, glitzy-ness of it all. How does my love of all the Christmassy stuff relate to the darkest month? It just seems that it all comes at such a good time. I wonder what it is like for the people on the other side of the equator who have Christmas in the middle of summer?
So friends, I wish for you a bright and cheery day. May the Lord shine on you today and put Christmas joy in your heart.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

The Best Things in Life are Free

When I started this blog my son said, "Don't be like all those bloggers out there who don't write for a year between posts." Look what has happened to my blog. It has been almost a year and I haven't written. It is time to change the way I do things, so here I am writing.
Did you notice the title of this post? 
I am thinking a lot about friends these days as I am planning a few days away with my quilting friends. The week seems to be going by too slowly as I await my retreat.
Maybe friendships do cost--time, etc., but the return on time spent with friends is always many times more than that invested.
I know that the friends I will be spending the weekend with are of the type that if I were in need I could call them anytime, day or night, and they would come to my rescue. To have friends like that is an extraordinary gift.
So, if you are reading this I would ask you to take a moment and think about those people in your life who are true blue friends and be grateful.

Until next time, (hopefully not a year from now)